After going through the e-mails, and reading the correspondence that took place, I contacted ET2 Stefanik immediately about purchasing prizes for the Bingo event. I also sent an e-mail to LT Beechwood (The Morale Committee Officer) explaining the current situation of the event. At 11am Jennifer (ET2) and I were off on a mission worth $300.00. Our first stop ended up being Target where we purchased six of the ten prizes, the lady at the cash register forgot to give us the receipt. We didn't realize this until we were at Applebee's buying the 7th prize, when I mentioned that I didn't see it in any of the Target bags. We had to go back to Target and endure a long ridiculous receipt retrieval process. Since we didn't plan on returning any of the items, seeing as they were for prizes, you may be wondering why we went through all of that just for a copy of the receipt: well, since Jennifer was paying for all the prizes with her own money, she needed the receipts in order to fill out an expenditure form to be reimbursed by the Morale Committee. The 8th prize came from a quick stop at Safeway where we picked up a $25 American Express card, and the last two were from the on-base Exchange. The remainder of the afternoon, I "dressed up the prizes" to be aesthetically appealing.
On Tuesday I had to recover all of the pictures that had been lost and create a new disc to HAND deliver the the base webmaster. I am happy to say all of the Easter and Alcatraz pictures can be found on the intranet site. The Bingo event went well that evening... we had 24 participants, and everyone was excited about the prizes, here is the list I created:

Thursday I had the opportunity to learn all about the ticket office operations, how to look up items in the computer. I also learned how to create a new customer account, and every single discounted ticket the office has! From Sea World to Six Flags, hotel discounts, to golf packages... it blew me away. I almost can't believe more people don't utilize this amazing tool that is right on base... I know once I'm a dependent, I certainly will!
Today, I got to make a fool of myself. In a good way! I dressed up in basketball garb, and promoted the upcoming Harlem Ambassador's Event during the student lunch hour.
I have exactly 2wks left. Where has the time gone?
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