After talking to Ms. Owen last Wednesday I came away with a few goals for the last three weeks of my time here. For the remainder of my internship my main goals are going to be continuing to network with those who work in the field, learning everything I can about the MWR operations, and actively searching out job opportunities.
I have already met the majority of the people who are associated with the MWR at the Training Center; however, I would like to be able to sit down with them and talk about how they achieved the position they are currently at. What they like and dislike about working for the government, any tips for someone trying to get their foot in the door, and ideas in regards to finding a job in the current economy. Each person has a different background, how they got where they are today, and while I cannot use their story as my own; I believe every little idea, tip, or “nugget” of wisdom I can take away from these MWR Veterans will be beneficial to me in the end. Currently I have sat down with two co-workers, and have plans for two more. I am also planning to walk away with at least three general reference letters, I’m hoping the fact that they will be signing them with their MWR Title will enhance my future job applications. I have already spoken to those who I am requesting letters from giving them ample time to write them before my departure.
I have learned so much, more than I thought I would. Yes, I have done “typical” intern jobs- running errands, taking notes; well you know the “grunt” work. But, I have also been able to attend high priority meetings with the base command (CO- Commanding Officer, XO- Executive Officer, and CMC- Command Master Chief). I’ve experienced and even added my insight to planning and marketing meetings; I’ve seen the background to running a successful guest housing establishment, consolidated club, fitness program, and more. For my last three weeks I will be requesting to learn about the MWR facilities I have yet to work in: the ticket office and the theatre. I would like to know how the computer codes work as far as reserving/purchasing the tickets- because there are different prices for active duty/reserve/retired and civilian/contract employees. I actually know the theater manager, FS2 Paone, and have asked him to show me the ropes to running a successful movie night, as well as scheduling special events such as: class graduations, lectures, and special presentations (such as the CDC Musical I am helping with). Mrs. Spainhour (front desk at the ticket office) and FS2 Paone, know of my limited time left here to learn and are fitting me into their schedules as I type this.
The last goal is proving to be the most difficult: finding a job and moving to the East Coast. I was already given a job opportunity to stay here, and if I had different circumstances I more than likely would have taken it. Let me explain- my boyfriend is serving in the Marine Corps. We have only seen each other four months in the last two years, waiting for me to graduate from ASU before moving ahead with any marriage plans. He is stationed at Ft. Meade in Maryland and will be there for at least two more years, my goal is to find a job near him and hopefully be out there by August of this year. I have been searching the following military installations: Ft. Meade, Curtis Bay Coast Guard Yard, Andrew’s Airforce Base, National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, and Marine Corps 8th & I/Headquarters. I have been continually coming up empty handed, hopefully with some of the networking I have been doing that will change. If not, I will be turning to city recreation, outdoor adventure centers, or event planning. I am doing my best to stay positive, although all my friends have been saying the same about finding a job. I don’t want to feel as though my last four years were a waste, so I hope I find something that requires a B.S. degree in the near future!
So that is my plan at the moment: three weeks to network, interview, and learn the last bits of information I can. All while coordinating graduation plans from out of state, working on my final paper, and trying to find a job on the opposite side of the country! Definitely sounds like a challenge, but I’m up for it.