28 April 2009

Talk about "being in the loop"...

...and not particularly enjoying the fact that I live in California at the moment.

Last week we started hearing about the Swine Flu. Since Monday alone- I've had 5+ e-mails hit my inbox via DHS (Secretary Napolitano), USCG Command, and my local Sonoma County.

FYI: a public heath emergency has been declared. I can't post the e-mails, as they are for DHS/Coast Guard Employees only, but...

-Here is a DHS, CDC, and Counter terrorism press release on the topic: April 26, 2009

-Up to date information: Center for Disease Control

It's making me a bit nervous, all I want is to make it home healthy and enjoy graduation. My boyfriend and I are suppose to spend a couple of days in Santa Monica and Ventura before arriving back in AZ, and now I'm having second thoughts.

How did we end up being susceptible to animal diseases anyway... bird flu, swine flu, etc?

Today we also received notice of the airline National Threat Advisory Level move from Yellow (Elevated) to Orange (High)... which isn't cool for my boyfriend and family flying in for my graduation!

My prayers go out to those working and living near the areas of the Swine Flu outbreaks, and to anyone traveling within the next few weeks.

24 April 2009


This week started off with a bang! Monday morning I came into the office and my inbox was flooded with e-mails (guess that's what happens when you have leave on a Friday before an event). San Fransisco was worth it and needed, but I already wrote about that while describing the prior week on the 20th.

After going through the e-mails, and reading the correspondence that took place, I contacted ET2 Stefanik immediately about purchasing prizes for the Bingo event. I also sent an e-mail to LT Beechwood (The Morale Committee Officer) explaining the current situation of the event. At 11am Jennifer (ET2) and I were off on a mission worth $300.00. Our first stop ended up being Target where we purchased six of the ten prizes, the lady at the cash register forgot to give us the receipt. We didn't realize this until we were at Applebee's buying the 7th prize, when I mentioned that I didn't see it in any of the Target bags. We had to go back to Target and endure a long ridiculous receipt retrieval process. Since we didn't plan on returning any of the items, seeing as they were for prizes, you may be wondering why we went through all of that just for a copy of the receipt: well, since Jennifer was paying for all the prizes with her own money, she needed the receipts in order to fill out an expenditure form to be reimbursed by the Morale Committee. The 8th prize came from a quick stop at Safeway where we picked up a $25 American Express card, and the last two were from the on-base Exchange. The remainder of the afternoon, I "dressed up the prizes" to be aesthetically appealing.

On Tuesday I had to recover all of the pictures that had been lost and create a new disc to HAND deliver the the base webmaster. I am happy to say all of the Easter and Alcatraz pictures can be found on the intranet site. The Bingo event went well that evening... we had 24 participants, and everyone was excited about the prizes, here is the list I created:

Wednesday I was involved in the CDC Rehersal at the theatre, I've also been working on the Intro/Intermission Slideshow for the production all week. I sure have spent a lot of time behind the computer staring at pictures of little kids with the soundtrack of "Lean on Me," "Wind Beneath my Wings," and the oh-so-popular High School Musical "We're All in this Together," playing over and over while I formated the titles and transitions correctly.

Thursday I had the opportunity to learn all about the ticket office operations, how to look up items in the computer. I also learned how to create a new customer account, and every single discounted ticket the office has! From Sea World to Six Flags, hotel discounts, to golf packages... it blew me away. I almost can't believe more people don't utilize this amazing tool that is right on base... I know once I'm a dependent, I certainly will!

Today, I got to make a fool of myself. In a good way! I dressed up in basketball garb, and promoted the upcoming Harlem Ambassador's Event during the student lunch hour.

I have exactly 2wks left. Where has the time gone?

22 April 2009

This made me smile =)

This morning when I logged into my workstation I received this e-mail:

I also received an e-mail from a future intern for the Yorktown base, she'll be completing her internship this coming summer. I didn't smile because I was recognized out of the 9 current USCG MWR Interns, I smiled because it is so nice to know that my experience here can help others!

I don't know what your internship directors/supervisors/etc. have been doing for the rest of you interns, but I do hope they have been giving you positive feedback, and encouragement like I have been getting during my time here!

We graduate in three weeks! How exciting (yet terrifying) is that? =)

20 April 2009

From kids to teens

Last week feels so far away... probably because my sister came in Friday and I took the day off. Our weekend spent in San Francisco, around the Redwood Forest, and the beaches off PCH was much needed and enjoyed, but unfortunately... I am suffering from a runny nose and cough again. I think it is because the weather here has ADD. When my sister, Alexis, arrived it was a mere 63*, within a day it jumped to 86* and today's high is 91* with 100% humidity. Ugh.

Anyways... back to the work week:

Monday I got to spend the morning with FS2 Paone (Sam)... he took me to the theater and showed me "the ropes." I now know how to turn on all the lights and the dimming affects that can be utilized by them. I was also taught how to set up the microphones, including the wireless headsets and the podium. I learned that he orders popcorn/candy/drinks/cups/etc. fairly often, but because we are on a military installation the shipping often arrives late, so he has to take that into consideration. He is also in charge of running the sign that advertises the movie/showtimes, updating the movie posters (he even let me pick a few to keep!), and the most interesting thing I think he does- physically puts together the film reels for playing purposes! Which I found quite ironic, as he is a Food Service Coastie. I asked why an Electronics Technician (ET) didn't have his billet (job) and it came down to the fact that FS's have more experience in ordering/purchasing items, that unless they make more FS billets they would be on boats too often, and they have to have great public relations (they serve meals to entire ships/schools/bases- they need good people skills!).

Tuesday and Wednesday my newly acquired theater information came in handy. Evette and her preschool class came down to the theater in order to rehearse for their upcoming CDC Musical. After one minor technical glitch (microphone was too loud), the rehearsal went smoothly. Well, as smooth as a bunch of 4-5yrs would allow it to be. They are some cute kids, and if they pull off the play they have been learning, their parents will be so proud! It is also going to be a great way to promote April's "Child Abuse Prevention Month" and the fact it is also the "Month of the Military Child." (and yes, I realize that the event is on May 1st).

Thursday was our Spring Break (what's that?) outing for the teenagers here on base. Unfortunately we didn't have a huge turnout because the base command didn't approve of the event until literally, the day before. There were evidently some rumors floating around that permenant party and dependents were no longer allowed to ride in government vehicles- aka: the 15 passenger van the MWR has. Despite the small turnout those who attended seemed to enjoy themselves. We took them into town, watched the movie "Knowing" (which is really good by the way) and then to Applebees for lunch, where each teen had a $10 limit.

I was quite frustrated last week when I found out that a picture CD I had sent to our base webmaster had been lost in Guardmail (base mail). The Alcatraz pictures and my 30+ pictures from Easter weren't what I was worried about, the MWR camera's pictures had been deleted! So now, unless my Guardmail randomly shows up somewhere, there are at least 100 pictures from Easter missing. Lesson learned- make copies of everything!

14 April 2009

Action Plan

After talking to Ms. Owen last Wednesday I came away with a few goals for the last three weeks of my time here. For the remainder of my internship my main goals are going to be continuing to network with those who work in the field, learning everything I can about the MWR operations, and actively searching out job opportunities.

I have already met the majority of the people who are associated with the MWR at the Training Center; however, I would like to be able to sit down with them and talk about how they achieved the position they are currently at. What they like and dislike about working for the government, any tips for someone trying to get their foot in the door, and ideas in regards to finding a job in the current economy. Each person has a different background, how they got where they are today, and while I cannot use their story as my own; I believe every little idea, tip, or “nugget” of wisdom I can take away from these MWR Veterans will be beneficial to me in the end. Currently I have sat down with two co-workers, and have plans for two more. I am also planning to walk away with at least three general reference letters, I’m hoping the fact that they will be signing them with their MWR Title will enhance my future job applications. I have already spoken to those who I am requesting letters from giving them ample time to write them before my departure.

I have learned so much, more than I thought I would. Yes, I have done “typical” intern jobs- running errands, taking notes; well you know the “grunt” work. But, I have also been able to attend high priority meetings with the base command (CO- Commanding Officer, XO- Executive Officer, and CMC- Command Master Chief). I’ve experienced and even added my insight to planning and marketing meetings; I’ve seen the background to running a successful guest housing establishment, consolidated club, fitness program, and more. For my last three weeks I will be requesting to learn about the MWR facilities I have yet to work in: the ticket office and the theatre. I would like to know how the computer codes work as far as reserving/purchasing the tickets- because there are different prices for active duty/reserve/retired and civilian/contract employees. I actually know the theater manager, FS2 Paone, and have asked him to show me the ropes to running a successful movie night, as well as scheduling special events such as: class graduations, lectures, and special presentations (such as the CDC Musical I am helping with). Mrs. Spainhour (front desk at the ticket office) and FS2 Paone, know of my limited time left here to learn and are fitting me into their schedules as I type this.

The last goal is proving to be the most difficult: finding a job and moving to the East Coast. I was already given a job opportunity to stay here, and if I had different circumstances I more than likely would have taken it. Let me explain- my boyfriend is serving in the Marine Corps. We have only seen each other four months in the last two years, waiting for me to graduate from ASU before moving ahead with any marriage plans. He is stationed at Ft. Meade in Maryland and will be there for at least two more years, my goal is to find a job near him and hopefully be out there by August of this year. I have been searching the following military installations: Ft. Meade, Curtis Bay Coast Guard Yard, Andrew’s Airforce Base, National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, and Marine Corps 8th & I/Headquarters. I have been continually coming up empty handed, hopefully with some of the networking I have been doing that will change. If not, I will be turning to city recreation, outdoor adventure centers, or event planning. I am doing my best to stay positive, although all my friends have been saying the same about finding a job. I don’t want to feel as though my last four years were a waste, so I hope I find something that requires a B.S. degree in the near future!

So that is my plan at the moment: three weeks to network, interview, and learn the last bits of information I can. All while coordinating graduation plans from out of state, working on my final paper, and trying to find a job on the opposite side of the country! Definitely sounds like a challenge, but I’m up for it.

12 April 2009

Chocolate & Photo Boards

Last week I got to play Easter Bunny, okay... not really. I did get to create the barracks' Easter boxes, and have the responsibility to refill them Mon/Wed/Fri, let me tell you... if you ever want to make friends just carry around 10lbs of Palmer's chocolate!

I also created the Easter Photo Board that is currently being displayed on the main entrance wall of the MWR Building. While creating this photo board I took the opportunity to create the Alcatraz Trip one as well and delivered it to Chief Payne, he was very excited and said he was going to frame it for his office.

I had a meeting with the Athletic Director and we went over some more details for the upcoming Harlem Ambassadors Event. I also had the opportunity to interview him for my final paper (which is due in THREE weeks!).

I am completely baffled by where the time has gone! I only have 4wks left here... four very packed weeks (only 3 weekends though...) My sister is flying in this Friday-Sunday, I am using one of my comp days from the Easter events to take off Friday, we're going to explore San Francisco... because sadly enough I have lived an hour and a half north of the city for almost 3mo and haven't gotten to go except for the Alcatraz trip. The following weeks are full of events and projects- the largest being: CDC Musical with the Stars and Harlem Ambassadors.

My interview with Ms. Owen also took place this past week, it was quick and painless. My supervisor said the same. I need to review the e-mail she sent me, and post my Action Plan ASAP.

Two Rock Pizza & Club Flyers I had discussed previously:

05 April 2009

Easter Bunny Madness!

What a week!
I had an unexpected "tour of duty" as the Coast Guard calls it, all day Tuesday in the CDC [Child Development Center]. Six teachers were out sick, they had already called in all of their volunteers, and since the MWR is over the CDC they called my boss. Luckily (or not, for me) I am CPR and First-aid certified, I also have my fingerprint clearance card due to my four years of summer camp work. I spent the majority of my day with crying toddlers, fighting preschoolers, and kids who refused to take their nap. I didn't sign up for that! I did get to play with the preschool class guinea pig- affectionately named "Piggy," well what do you expect from 4-5yr olds? Anyway, it was nice for me since my guinea pig is back home (no animals allowed in the barracks). There were some cute moments with the kids, and it was probably good I got my feet wet in that department, esp. since I am working on a DVD for their musical and may be involved in the set-up/production proccess.

Wednesday was 13hrs long, whew. I think everything I did that day (minus the monthly Morale Committee Meeting) was devoted to the Easter event on Saturday. Unwrapping every item, creating a sample Easter Basket, picking up and preparing boxes for the finished products later in the day, ensuring the already filled eggs would stay shut with a piece of tape, etc. That evening I had to set-up a production line for creating the Easter Baskets. We had about 9 student volunteers show up, with their class advisor (and his 3yr old son! Who decided throwing the eggs was more fun than helping daddy stuff them, haha.) We knocked out 144 Easter Baskets and 480 (well, the ones we could find) Easter Eggs in roughly 2hrs. I got home around 8:30pm.

Thursday we had the monthly MWR Management Team Meeting. The guy who usually takes the meeting minutes was on leave, so I was assigned the task. The last 30min of the meeting was devoted to my website SOP. I gave a general overview of how to create and place an event on the new online calendar that I created. Within the next three weeks I will be training one-on-one.

Friday we decorated the galley, window clings, inflatable bunnies & eggs, pretty ribbons, and more. Then I spent the whole afternoon with the MWR Secretary in the MWR warehouse, organizing about 75 boxes of yearly files from 2002-2008. We also had to remove all of the boxes from 2001 for shredding purposes (I'm so glad I don't have that task!).

Saturday I was at the MWR office at 6am, my supervisor and I immediately started loading up boxes of eggs/baskets to take down to the Galley. We also had to bring down the bunny costume and place it in a seperate location so the children wouldn't see him "getting dressed." We decorated the egg hunt areas, and I went back to the office to blow up the balloons. Our volunteers to help hide the eggs didn't arrive until 7:45 (they were suppose to be there at 7) so we had a frantic 15min of hiding eggs before children started to arrive for the free breakfast with the bunny. Once again I was tasked with taking event photos, which was really fun because the children with the Easter Bunny were priceless and then some of their reactions to hunting for eggs made me burst out laughing.

Here are all of the event details: