The Harlem Ambassadors Event was a hit! We had 225+ in attendance, myself and Rob played their hosts for the day. We checked them into their rooms, took them to the galley for lunch, escorted them to Two Rock Elementary School where they did their positive and uplifting message/mini-show, let them rest for the afternoon, set-up the gym and opened it 2hrs early for them to practice, monitored the game and took photographs for the intranet site, then tore-down, and escorted them to dinner at the restaurant Two Rock Pizza. It was quite a night, they are amazing people! In order to be on the team you must have a Bachelor's Degree (or in your last year of obtaining one), be completely drug free, and commit to a 3yr contract.
The one thing the event taught me was the importance of communication (which I feel this base can improve upon). Mr. Sturla had contacted the CPOA about selling concessions 3wks in advanced, sent them a 2, then 1wk reminder notice, and then day of he asked if they were prepared to come set-up at 5pm, and they asked "for what?" I got VERY frustrated... luckily a couple of the guys on the CPOA donated their time, so our basketball show could have a concession stand. THANK GOODNESS!

Oddly enough I will miss living here, it's been a completely different world than I was used to, but I grew to love it. Goodbye TRACEN Petaluma... the memories and experiences will not be quickly forgotten!
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